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Maurik, NL

The St. Martin's Church is a church building in the Dutch village of Maurik built between the 14th and 16th centuries.


Kollum, NL

Reformed church and tower. Two-aisled brick nave, both vaulted; older partly tuff stone tower, crowned by a spire from 1661. The church has a late 17th century pulpit with baptismal fence, nine gentlemen's benches, one of which is for the rector of the Latin school, funeral board for Eyso de Wendt, 1780. Many carved tombstones from the 15th-18th century, including by P. Claesz. Organ with main work, lower positive and short pedal, made in 1841 by W. van Gruisen. Tower restored 1960-'62. Two bells hang in the tower, one by J. Schonenborch, 1526, diam. 143 cm. and one by H. Falck, 1618, diam. 131 cm. Mechanical tower clock, B. Eijsbouts, Asten. Badly damaged and parked out of use.


Boazum, NL

The building is housed in a foundation Freonen fan de Boazumertsjerke. The goal of the Foundation Freonen fan de Boazumertsjerke is to contribute to the preservation of the St. Martenstsjerke in the village of Boazum in the best possible condition. If a small church community can no longer afford the costs, outside help is needed.

Macerata Cathedral

Macerata Cathedral

Macerata, IT

The cathedral of Macerata has been known since the 10th century. Before the construction of the present cathedral, there was a small rural church dedicated to San Giuliano, built in 1022. Between the 14th and 15th centuries, a second building was erected next to the church, completed in 1478 with the construction of the bell tower, still visible today, in Flamboyant Gothic style. The two existing buildings were united to form a single neoclassical cathedral in 1771.

Machzike Hadath Synagogue

Machzike Hadath Synagogue

London, GB

The Machzike Hadath (Spitalfields Great) Synagogue in London is an Ashkenazi synagogue built in 1742-43 by architect Thomas Stubbs as the ‘New French Church’. It was rebuilt in 1897 by A.J. Hopkins and in 1957. This brick building in the Georgian style now serves as a mosque.

Machzikei Hadat Orthodox Synagogue in Antwerpen

Machzikei Hadat Orthodox Synagogue in Antwerpen

Antwerpen, BE

The Machzikei Hadat Orthodox (Great) Synagogue in Antwerp is an Orthodox synagogue built between 1910 and 1914 by the architect Jules Hofman. This brick building in the National Romantic style still serves as a synagogue.

Mád Synagogue

Mád Synagogue

Mád, HU

The Synagogue in Mad was built in 1795 in a baroque style, and the interior is well decorated with Polish-Lithuanian influences. Restoration of the building was completed in 2004 and the building is now used for concerts, conferences, and other events.

Madlamark church

Madlamark church

Stavanger, NO

The Madlamark church is a 1976 brick church in Stavanger. The Madlamark church has a characteristic altarpiece, "Korsportalen", a work of art in the form of an altarpiece that covers the altar wall. The work was completed in 2003 and is by the artist Ole Lislerud.

Madonna dell'Orto

Madonna dell'Orto

Venice, IT

The church of Madonna dell'Orto, built in the 14th century by the Umiliati congregation, contains a statue of the Virgin considered miraculous. In the 19th century, the decaying building was sold to the army who made it a warehouse of straw and wine. In 1864, the restoration work was resumed and completed in 1869. Since 1931, the parish has been entrusted to the fathers of the Congregation of San Giuseppe (Giuseppini Fathers).

Madrasah of Granada

Madrasah of Granada

Granada, ES

Founded by the Sultan of Granada himself in the 14the century, the Madrasah of Granada is located in the heart of Granada's old city. The only surviving part of the madrasah is the prayer room with carved, polychrome plaster covers the upper portions of the walls.

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