Be Inspired

Europe is a diverse and inspiring continent, full of fascinating details, places, people and events. Our religious heritage is not only a window into this past, but also provides enjoyment and inspiration for its architecture, its beauty and its splendour. These lists show some of the ways that Europe's religious heritage can be enjoyed today.

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Five famous cemeteries you must visit in Europe

Cemeteries serve as places of eternal rest for the deceased, but they also nourish the living with the historical events, cultural trends and artistic movements and beliefs of the past. The style, history, and peculiarity of the following cemeteries make them some of the most unique in Europe.

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Andrey Khrobostov

Amazing church clocks

Churches are home to amazing artefacts. In some cases, an a priori ordinary object such as the church clock, can become a real highlight, either because of its appearance, operation or the information it provides. Here are six amazing church clocks you must know about in Europe.

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Wikimedia Commons/Raimond Spekking

Contemporary Mosques of Europe

Mosque architecture in Europe extends beyond the Moorish mosques of Al-Andalus and the Ottoman mosques of the Balkans. During the 20th and 21st centuries, many mosques have been built that blend centuries of tradition with modern design. Here are some of the most prominent contemporary mosques on the continent.

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Giulianocoman/Getty Images

The Orthodox monasteries of Mount Athos

Since the foundation of Great Lavra in 963, Mount Athos became the epicentre of the Orthodox faith. For centuries, the "Holy Mountain" has been home to the oldest monastic community in the world, consisting of 20 monasteries, which still operate under a self-governing regime despite being on Greek territory. Of these, 17 are Greek, 1 Serbian and 1 Russian. Here are some of the most notable monasteries on Mount Athos.

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Getty Images/Sanga Park

Six religious heritage sites to visit in Veszprém (Hungary)

Veszprém is known for being home to the first and oldest diocese in Hungary. Many of its sacred sites are linked to royalty, especially to Queen Gisela who considered this her favourite city. Of Germanic origin, Gisela of Hungary was the first queen consort of the country and a key figure in the Christianisation of its people. Here are six places of worship to visit in Veszprém, the city of queens!

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RPBMEdia/Getty Images

Religious heritage sites to visit in Lund

As early as the 13th century, Lund became not only the seat of the archbishop of Scandinavia, but also a thriving religious centre of the expanding Christianity in the North of Europe. In the wake of the Reformation and as Malmo grew, most of the medieval churches in Lund gradually disappeared. Nevertheless, some of its sacred buildings are today landmarks of contemporary Lund.