Be Inspired

Europe is a diverse and inspiring continent, full of fascinating details, places, people and events. Our religious heritage is not only a window into this past, but also provides enjoyment and inspiration for its architecture, its beauty and its splendour. These lists show some of the ways that Europe's religious heritage can be enjoyed today.

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Wikimedia Commons/Øyvind Holmstad

Moorish Revival synagogues

In the 19th century, the emergent Jewish community needed an architectural style that matched their growing wealth. the Moorish style, which originated in Spain when the country was under Islamic rule, and its oriental elements became popular throughout Europe. Domes and horseshoe arches began to abound in the newly built synagogues until the early 20th century. Here are some of the best examples of Moorish revival synagogues across Europe.

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Wikimedia Commons/Mirza Čaušević

A Journey through Europe’s oldest mosques

From the Moorish mosques of Andalus to the Ottoman mosques of the Balkans, these centuries-old temples are part of European history. Some have been converted or adapted for other uses, and others are still active temples, but all of them bear witness to the succession of cultures and beliefs and the mixture of artistic and architectural styles. Embark with us on a journey through the oldest and most fascinating mosques in Europe.

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Wikimedia Commons/Patrick

Europe’s most beautiful stained-glass windows

Stained glass is a fine art that has decorated sacred buildings since the Middle Ages, creating a captivating scene of light and colour to which it is difficult to remain indifferent. Those who pay enough attention will discover the story and mysteries of Christianity written in them. Check out this list of European stained-glass masterpieces which will take your breath away.

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Ten churches featured in films

Whether to convey a solemn, mystical or calm atmosphere, churches are recurrent in films, they are part of all cinematographic genres. The following list, as incomplete as it is eclectic, is proof of the diversity of the use of sacred places in cinema.

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Hindu temples in Europe

Despite the dominance of churches, synagogues and mosques throughout Europe, other religious communities have taken root in the continent. The Hindu community has more than 100 temples, some of which are marvellous monumental and vivacious constructions built by Tamil emigres between the 90s and 2000s. Have a look at these precious examples of Dravidian architecture on European territory.

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Moorish Mosques of Spain

Present on the Iberian Peninsula from 711 to 1492, the Moors, who came from North Africa, left their mark on their passage through culture and architecture. Witnesses of this period are the mosques, which are rare survivors that were spared because they were converted into churches.

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Religious buildings that can be visited virtually

Sacred buildings are places to visit for their atmosphere, but the period of confinement in which we currently find ourselves deprives us of this experience. We can, however, still admire these places... online. We have selected for you eight sacred places that you can visit from the comfort of your own home.

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Ottoman Mosques of the Balkans

The Spanish Reconquista compromised the preservation of Muslim heritage in Western Europe, but the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from Eastern Europe in the 18th century did not lead to the systematic destruction of the surviving mosques in the Balkan Peninsula, where many Muslims still live.