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Temple Church

Temple Church

City of London, GB

Welcome to the historic and beautiful Temple Church, built by the Knights Templar, the soldier monks who protected pilgrims to the Holy Land during the Crusades. The round church is modelled on the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In 1608 King James I gave the whole area of the Temple to the two societies of lawyers, Inner and Middle Temple, who have maintained the church beautifully to the present day.

Temple de Passy-Annonciation

Temple de Passy-Annonciation

Paris, FR

The United Protestant Church of the Annunciation is a Protestant church built in 1891. The first parish building was an Anglican chapel made of wood salvaged from the 1867 World Exhibition. Pastor Edmond Stapfer was responsible for the construction of the present building, which was erected on land donated by the Delessert family by the architect Edouard Aubert. Aubert designed the building in the neo-Romanesque style, built in millstone.

Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor

Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor

Barcelona, ES

The Expiatory Temple of the Sacred Heart is a neogothic church located on the Tibidabo mountain in Barcelona. Its construction extended from 1902 to 1961.

Temple in Buzău

Temple in Buzău

Buzău, RO

A building of the Temple was constructed in 1903-1910. It combines the features of the Neo-Moorish style, popular emong European Jews, with those of the Neo-Romanian style, popular in the country as its national artistic expression. Although the Temple is a magnificent building crowned with three cupolas, is it situated inside a block, screened from the street by the building of the Jewish school. The Temple was repaired in 1946 with the assistance of the Joint Distribution Committee and therefore its photographs are preserved in the JDC archives in New York and the Yad Vashem Archives in Jerusalem. Nonetheless, currently the Temple is in a deteriorated state and it is dangerous to enter it.

Temple Înfrăţirea in Dej

Temple Înfrăţirea in Dej

Dej, RO

The Temple Înfrăţirea in Dej is a synagogue for Ashkenazi built in 1907. The building has elements of neo-Moorish and neo-Romanesque style. It still serves as a synagogue.

Temple Maggiore

Temple Maggiore

Roma, IT

The Temple Maggiore was built between 1901 and 1904 on one of the four plots of land obtained through the demolition of parts of the Rome ghetto (1555-1870). In 1889, the competition organized for the design of the new synagogue saw the distinction of Vincenzo Costa and Osvaldo Armanni with building projects mixing Assyrian, Egyptian and above all Greek elements.

Temple of San Sebastian

Temple of San Sebastian

Mantova, IT

The Temple of San Sebastian was built between 1460 and 1529. The building, designed by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) himself, served as the basis for Renaissance reflections on Greek cross-shaped buildings. Restored in 1926, the church is today used as a war memorial for the soldiers who fell in battle for their homeland.

Temple of the Grieving Mother of God

Znamensk, RU

On the site of the temple in the XVI century there was a wooden church of St. Barlaam Khutynsky in "Ordinets" (mentioned in the chronicles under 1571; and some researchers associate its construction with Vasily III's campaign to Kazan (1523), others - with natives from Novgorod who settled in Zamoskvorechye). In 1683-1685, a stone temple was built, which was called the Transfiguration Church.

Temple Saint-Étienne

Temple Saint-Étienne

Mulhouse, FR

The Saint-Etienne temple is the main reformed church in the city of Mulhouse. Its dimensions make it the tallest Protestant building in France and it is often referred to as the "cathedral" of Mulhouse. The present building dates mainly from a construction phase from 1859 to 1866, but a Romanesque building was dedicated here as early as 1186. In 1523, persecuted by the Protestants of the region, the Catholics were expelled from St. Stephen's Church to make room for the Reformed cult. The tower was given a baroque bulb in 1707. The church was destroyed in 1858.

Temple Saint-Martin de Montbéliard

Temple Saint-Martin de Montbéliard

Montbéliard, FR

Saint-Martin de Montbéliard is a church mentioned as early as 1343. In 1524, the reformer Guillaume Farel preached the Protestant reformation in Montbéliard, which the Dukes of Montbéliard quickly accepted. The principality of Montbéliard became a Protestant enclave, encircled by Catholic regions, and became a refuge for Protestants seeking religious freedom. The church of Saint-Martin was converted to the Reformed faith in 1536. The population growth at the end of the 16th century prompted Prince Frederick I of Montbéliard to build a new place of worship dedicated to the Lutheran faith. He called on Heinrich Schickhardt, a renowned architect from the Duchy of Württemberg, and in 1601, the first stone was laid in place of the old place of worship. The roof structure was completed in 16045 and the building was finally finished in 1607.

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