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Valberg Church

Valberg Church

Vestvågøy, NO

The present church of Valberg, dating from 1889, is the fourth on the site. The first church in Valberg was probably built around 1660. The architects of the new church are K. Guttormsen and Grenstad.

Valchid Fortified Church

Valchid Fortified Church

Valchid, RO

The village Valchid is hidden in a quiet side valley of the river Târnava Mare. In this place a church was build in the 14th century in pre-reformation style and has been preserved until today. It is surrounded by a fortification wall and has several defence towers. From the beginning, history did not treat Valchid very well, but it is a typical example of the troubled past of the region. The very first documentary reference from the year 1317 relates to the attempted reconciliation of a dispute over land with a neighbouring village. The conflict flared up again and again over the next 450 years. In 1605 the village and the church were looted by passing troops. In 1776 the dispute over land was finally settled, but only a few years later a fire destroyed the entire village. In the late 19th century the village made its living from viticulture and was heavy hit by the sudden invasion of phylloxera, which destroyed many vineyards. More than half of the inhabitants found themselves forced to emigrate.

Valdemārpils Lutheran Church

Valdemārpils Lutheran Church

Valdemārpils, LV

The Lutheran church at Valdemārpils was built in its present form in 1646. In 1928 the interior of the church was repaired. During the last two wars, the church did not suffer much. From 2004 to 2006 the congregation carried out major repairs.

Valderøy Church

Valderøy Church

Giske, NO

Valderøy Church is a long church dating from 1961. The altarpiece is by Finn Emanuel Olsen. The font and pulpit are both made of wood and date from 1961.

Våle Church

Våle Church

Våle, NO

Våle Church is a stone church dating from 1190, which underwent two major repairs between 1683 and 1747. The church was given a sacristy in the east and was extended eight metres to the west. From 1673 to 1770, the church belonged to Jarlsberg County, but it was not until 1859 that it became part of the parish. The tower was built in 1871-72 and was subsequently repaired. When the church was renovated in 1871-72, the church was redecorated, only the altarpiece was kept and three private family chairs were removed from the galleries.

Valea lui Vlad Jewish Cemetery

Valea lui Vlad Jewish Cemetery

Valea lui Vlad, MK

The exact period of the cemetery’s foundation is unknown, but it can be found marked on a map of the region from the 1860s. The cemetery was most likely in use until WWII. There are between 100 - 200 tombstones.

Valea Viilor Fortified Church

Valea Viilor Fortified Church

Valea Viilor, RO

In place of the 14th century initial construction, a new church was built in the 15th century. Around 1500, during the fortification phase, the ensemble received its present appearance. The chancel was rebuilt as a tower featuring three brick defence levels and 1,5 m thick walls. The forth level projects over the lower part and is supported by the arches between the buttresses. It has a battlement platform built in the timber frame technique. A defence level was constructed above the main nave and the northern and southern entrances were provided with defence systems. The bell tower is impressive through its numerous and manifold defence systems. The church was surrounded by a curtain wall with battlement walk on brick arches, two bastions and a tower, as well as a gate tower provided with a portcullis. Inside the church a pew from 1528 was built during the transition phase between Gothic and Renaissance. The paintings of the altar were executed 1779 by Stephan Folbarth from Sighişoara.

Valebø Church

Valebø Church

Skien, NO

Valebø Church is a long church from 1903. The altarpiece is a copy of Adolph Tidemand's painting "The Resurrection" from the Bragernes church in Drammen. The organ was built by the organ factory of J.H. Jørgensen.

Valen Chapel

Valen Chapel

Sveio, NO

The Valen Chapel is a long church originally built as a church in 1707. The first historical traces of the church date back to the year 1350, but it was built some time before that. The old Stave church was demolished in 1707 and a new church was rebuilt on the same site.

Valen Church

Valen Church

Kvinnherad, NO

Valen church is a wooden church built in 1978. The architect of the church is Aksel Fronth, from Fredrikstad.

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