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De Drieklank

Musselkanaal, NL

Reformed Church in Musselkanaal, put into use in 1914. Neo-Romanesque church with tower.

De Drieklank

De Drieklank

Almere-Buiten, NL

Church Centre with tower in Almere Buiten. This is the third church tower, and (for now) the last, in Almere.

De Duif

De Duif

Amsterdam, NL

De Duif, formerly a hidden church in the 17th century, was rebuilt as a neoclassical monument in 1857. After restoration, it reopened in 2002 as a cultural venue, preserving its rich history and hosting various events in Amsterdam.

De Engel

Huizen, NL

Nice little reconstruction church in traditional forms.

De Eshof

Hoevelaken, NL

Modern church without tower. Built in ecumenical cooperation between Dutch Reformed and Reformed Church. Now church PKN.

De Fontein

Nieuw-Vennep, NL

Modern church with roof turret. Replaced an earlier Chr. Reformed church building.

De Fontein

Drachten, NL

Reformed Church until 1993. Then Reformed Church (Liberated). After merger in 2023 NGK.

De Fontein

Oudemirdum, NL

The Reformed Church, built in 1790 on older foundations, because of an oak pulpit from the 17th century, baptismal fence. A tombstone of red Bremer stone 12th century and a window with stained glass, 1790. Single manual organ by Bakker and Timmenga from 1900. Bell tower with bell by S. Butendiic, 1458, diam. 100.7 cm.

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