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Het Nieuwe Verbond

Het Nieuwe Verbond

Amsterdam, NL

The church was built in the middle of an almost vacant lot near the corner of Burgemeester Röellstraat and Slotermeerlaan , in the middle of a number of (Catholic) emergency schools. The address was Noordzijde 42. It was designed in 1954/1955 by the architect MJ Granpré Molière.

Het Octaaf

Hoorn, NL

Built as a Reformed Church, replacing the former Roman Catholic Maria Chapel elsewhere in the city centre, which was previously used as a Reformed Church.

Het Ontmoetingscentrum

Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, NL

The Meeting Centre is detached on a site on the Bospolderstraat, corner Vijverzicht. Seen from the Bospolderstraat, the church is on the left on the water. This water runs all the way to the back of the church. The complex includes a church hall that can be divided into two unequal parts with a folding wall. At the back of the church is a raised section that can also be added to the church. There are also a large number of halls and a sacristan's house. Behind the church is a courtyard that functions as a garden for the sacristan. The design for the Meeting Centre came from the architectural firm Swaneveld & Goslinga in Rotterdam. The costs of construction and furnishing were estimated at fl. 425,000, an amount that could not be exceeded. This amount turned out to be insufficient and eventually a maximum construction price of fl. 500,000 was agreed. The first pile was driven on 13 December 1968 and the church was put into use on 28 January 1970. In 1983 the building was expanded and adapted, including the enlargement of the church hall, the addition of a new church council room and the installation of a second entrance. The total cost of this amounted to fl. 800,000. The organ was also moved and expanded on this occasion. In 1988 a fire broke out in the Lower Hall. The damage was extensive but the Meeting Centre as a whole was not threatened.

Het Trefpunt

Glimmen, NL

Interesting, sober reconstruction church without a tower.

Het Trefpunt

Bennebroek, NL

On the site of the old Reformed Church from 1938, which was destroyed by fire in 1981. Since 2006 a church of the Protestant Community.

Het Uitzicht

Arnhem, NL

Former Dutch Reformed Church. Reconstruction church with small tower. From 1976 to 1981 (also?) in use by the Bethel Pentecostal Church. In 1981 this organization moved to the Roman Catholic Holy Spirit Church on the Gelderse Rooslaan in Arnhem-Zuid. Now (2022) in use by the Restored Apostolic Missionary Church.

Het Venster

Mijdrecht, NL

Community founded around 1920, affiliated with the Reformed Church in 1927. Early 1928, a small church building was put into use at Bosenhoven 47. In 1950, the church community split in two and lost the church building. The part that kept the church building continued as the Christian Reformed Church. For over fifteen years, the community held church services in an old nursery school. On December 14, 1966, the current church building with 178 seats was put into use.

Het Witte Kerkje

Klazienaveen, NL

This piece of land on which the church stands was leased to Rehoboth by the Nieuw Echtense Veen Compagnie. The construction must have been completed in 1905, according to a cadastral map. The church of the Full Evangelical Services (Langestraat 205) is a straight-closed hall church from around 1905, with block plastering and a small facade tower. Neo-Gothic church with roof turret.

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