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Vrij Evangelische Gemeente

Franeker, NL

Was Free Evangelical Reformed Church. Interesting church building without tower. Expansion 1994.

Vrije Baptistenkerk

Vrije Baptistenkerk

Arnhem, NL

Architecturally nice reconstruction church, without tower. Because the chapel became too small, the meetings were temporarily held in the auditorium of a school. Two reasons made a return to the chapel possible in the 1980s. Firstly, a renovation, which allowed more people to attend the meetings. Secondly, more importantly, was the vision to establish daughter churches in surrounding places.

Vrije Evangelische Gemeente

Nijverdal, NL

Interesting late neo-Romanesque church. Next to Youth Building Het Vischnet. In 1973 the church of the Free Evangelical Community was completely restored on the inside. On 24 December 1974 the renovated church was festively put into use. This church is listed as a Municipal Monument of the Netherlands.

Vrije Evangelische Gemeente

Den Helder, NL

On 3 June 1951 this municipality was founded. On 10 February 1952 a private building could be occupied, a renovated house on the Hoogstraat. Decommissioned in 1981. Replaced by a church on the Burgemeester Houwingsingel in Den Helder.

Vrije Evangelische Gemeente

Nieuwvliet, NL

Together with Breskens and Retranchement. After the sale of the three buildings in Breskens, Retranchement and Nieuwvliet, the Free Evangelical Community temporarily worshipped in the Multifunctional Centre Het Torentje in Groede. On 11 September 2004, the official inauguration of a new regional church at Provincialeweg 2 in Nieuwvliet took place. The architect is Lockefeer & Verhulst Projecten in Aardenburg, ir. MR Willems arch. BNA. The construction, drawings, model, etc. of the new church can be found at www.people.zeelandnet.nl/jvdwege

Vrije Evangelische Kerk

Burgum, NL

After celebrations had been held by this religious community at various temporary locations from 1936 onwards, the current church building was inaugurated on 6 February 1960.

Vrije Hervormde Kerk

Driedorp, NL

Expansion in 1971 (Appel). The Free Reformed Church of Driedorp works together with the Reformed Reformed Committee in Urk.

Vrije Oud Gereformeerde Gemeente

Ede, NL

The Old Reformed Church was officially instituted in November 1948. At the institution, 51 members were registered. In the beginning, the church met in a small building, which soon became too small. Therefore, another location had to be found. Finally, on May 10, 1950, a plot of land was purchased at Schaapsweg 77. The costs for the church building with approximately 275 seats were estimated at fl. 18,495-, for the other inventory an amount of fl. 3,000-. On January 9, 1951, the new building was put into use with a church service, by Rev. J. van der Poel. This minister was confirmed in Ede on Friday, April 22, 1955. With the arrival of Rev. Van der Poel, the church soon became too small. In 1956, it was decided to enlarge the church by adding a section to the church on the side of Schaapsweg. This extension is the only part that remains after all the renovations. In 1964 the church was expanded again with an extension, in 1968 a wing was also added to the church, in which a gallery was later made. Eventually the church had around 1000 seats around 1972. Since the congregation continued to grow, it was decided in 1981 to expand again. This time by widening the extension opposite the pulpit on both sides. This renovation brought the number of seats to around 1450. This was the last renovation to the church. Because of all the renovations, nothing remains of the original building from 1951. The oldest part of the church dates from 1956, the extension closest to the Schaapsweg. On 9 October 1981 Rev. Van der Poel passed away. He was succeeded on 20 April 1983 by Rev. M. Pronk. In May 1985, a number of church council members resigned after problems had arisen. Objections were also submitted to the church council regarding the pastor's way of life. On Sunday, October 26, 1986, the congregation was informed that the church council had decided to leave the association of the Old Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. The church would continue as an independent, free Old Reformed Church. This caused a mass exodus of church members who could not agree with this. On Sunday, September 20, 1987, the congregation was informed that Rev. M. Pronk had broken away from the church in Ede and would be leaving for Kralingseveer.

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