Three-aisled pseudo-basilica with a half-built-in front tower, a nave of eight bays under a slate-covered saddle roof, and a shallow choir with three-sided closure. The outer wall is built of red-yellow machine-made brick Waal format in cross bond with cut joint. The wall has a surrounding plinth with a bluestone top edge, and a cordon list of red profiled stone below the windows. The buttresses are covered with bluestone at the top and at the height of the cuts. The pointed arches above the windows, blinds and niches have a limestone keystone. The tower in the middle of the front facade (W), built on a square plan, is made up of three segments - the middle segment is higher than the lower and upper ones - and provided with a high, constricted eight-sided spire with a slate covering and on top a wrought-iron cross with a gilded rooster. The tower has right-angled buttresses on the corners up to the top with two cuts at the level of the segment transitions. A Gothic portal has been placed against the front of the lower section, the steep gable of which is crowned by a bluestone finial. The recessed front door is designed as a double door of clamped beading and provided with wrought iron decorative fittings. A slender limestone column with a bluestone base and a leaf capital of softer stone stands against the reveals of the portal. The fanlight above the bluestone lintel of the door is designed as a pointed arch window with green stained glass and limestone tracery. Three pointed arch niches have been placed at the top of the gable of the portal. The lower section is separated from the middle section by projecting decorative brickwork in which two mouse teeth have been set. In the middle segment, three high pointed arch windows have been placed, above which is a rose window within a pointed arch recess. These three windows and the limestone rose window have stained glass windows. Above the rose window, as in the side walls of the tower, there are three small pointed arch niches, above which is a projecting double mouse dent and decorative brickwork in the form of diagonal diamonds consisting of bricked-out roll courses with limestone blocks at the intersections. The upper tower section has a pointed arch-shaped recessed field on all four sides with a clock face at the top and two coupled sound holes with a pointed arch shape below it. Below the profiled hardstone upper edge of the tower is projecting brickwork in the form of two double mouse dents. The front facade, covered by a donkey's back, has a buttress with a cutting to the left and right of the tower, and at the corners perpendicular buttresses with two cuttings on which an octagonal brickwork crowning with an eight-sided tent roof of hardstone. In line with the side aisles, a pointed arch window with limestone tracery and stained glass has been placed on the left and right of the front facade.Above these windows the front facade has a band of projecting brickwork (including three mouse teeth). Above this, on the outside of the two buttresses to the left and right of the tower, there is a hatch above which is a bluestone lintel and a pointed arch niche. At the same height, on either side of the tower, there is a narrow pointed arch window. Below the left window, there is another narrow arched window lower down. The side facades are divided into eight bays by buttresses with one cut. Two pointed arch windows are fitted in each bay. On the side of the front facade, there is another half bay without a window opening. Above the side facades, there is a gutter molding on a projecting double mouse tooth, below which is a sawtooth-shaped roll layer with limestone at the corners. Against the sixth whole bay from the front facade, both side facades are provided with a rectangular confessional extension containing two small pointed arch windows. These extensions have a slate-covered lean-to roof under which a grey-painted natural stone gutter on a double mouse tooth. The large saddle roof has five dormers above both side walls: one on the left, right and in the middle, and in between two smaller ones at the top. The dormers have slate-covered sides and a similar saddle roof with an overhang and bargeboards in a pointed arch shape. The lower ones have a hatch with three lancet windows, the upper one a pointed arch-shaped hatch with a round window. The choir has a five-sided slate-covered roof that adjoins the eastern gable of the nave, crowned by a hardstone cross and covered with a donkey's back. This facade has a band of decorative brickwork as in the front facade, above which also on the left and right a hatch with a hardstone lintel and pointed arch niche, and on the corners perpendicular buttresses with one cut. On the chord roof there is a dormer window in the middle behind like the one at the bottom of the side slopes of the main roof. The choir is articulated by buttresses with two cuts. In the three bays of the choir closure a high pointed arch window is placed with stained glass.Against the sixth whole bay from the front facade, both side facades are provided with a rectangular confessional extension with two small pointed arch windows. These extensions have a slate-covered lean-to roof under which a grey-painted natural stone gutter on a double mouse tooth. The large saddle roof has five dormers above both side facades: one on the left, right and in the middle, and in between two smaller ones at the top. The dormers have slate-covered sides and a similar saddle roof with an overhang and bargeboards in the shape of a pointed arch. The lower ones have a hatch with three lancet windows, the upper one with a pointed arch-shaped hatch with a round window. The choir has a five-sided slate-covered roof that connects to the eastern gable of the nave, crowned by a hardstone cross and covered with a donkey's back. This facade has a band of decorative brickwork as in the front facade, above which also on the left and right a hatch with hardstone lintel and pointed arch niche, and on the corners right-angled buttresses with one cut. On the choir roof, in the middle behind, there is a dormer window like the one at the bottom of the side slopes of the main roof. The choir is divided by buttresses with two cut-outs. In the three bays of the choir closure, a high pointed arch window with stained glass has been placed.Against the sixth whole bay from the front facade, both side facades are provided with a rectangular confessional extension with two small pointed arch windows. These extensions have a slate-covered lean-to roof under which a grey-painted natural stone gutter on a double mouse tooth. The large saddle roof has five dormers above both side facades: one on the left, right and in the middle, and in between two smaller ones at the top. The dormers have slate-covered sides and a similar saddle roof with an overhang and bargeboards in the shape of a pointed arch. The lower ones have a hatch with three lancet windows, the upper one with a pointed arch-shaped hatch with a round window. The choir has a five-sided slate-covered roof that connects to the eastern gable of the nave, crowned by a hardstone cross and covered with a donkey's back. This facade has a band of decorative brickwork as in the front facade, above which also on the left and right a hatch with hardstone lintel and pointed arch niche, and on the corners right-angled buttresses with one cut. On the choir roof, in the middle behind, there is a dormer window like the one at the bottom of the side slopes of the main roof. The choir is divided by buttresses with two cut-outs. In the three bays of the choir closure, a high pointed arch window with stained glass has been placed.